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Hi, I'm Uncle Bill. Questions? Text (faster reply) or call me! 608.219.4985
CEAlabama is your insurance agent CE-- faster, cheaper, and easier than you'd ever expect. Your time is valuable, and finishing your CE as quickly as possible at the lowest cost means you can get back to business. I'm Bill Murray, and I'm here to help you do just that. And yes, I'm certified with the state to do CE.

Purchase credits below. Take any class you want, when you want. Review the class reading material at your pace. Move on to the test when you are ready. Tests are 25 or 50 questions, multiple choice. Passing score is 70% or higher. Test only takes 20-25 minutes to finish. You can repeat a test right away if you don't pass at no extra charge, shame, or embarrassment. Once you pass, click the link on the test-confirmation page to get to the test affidavit. You and your proctor will fill it out and type in your initials and "signatures". Then it is electronically submitted to me. Go to to renew your license with the state. You can only do this in the last 90 days of your licensing period. Fee is about $75 total.

Purchase Credits

Everyone needs a total of 24 credits (hours) of CE, regardless of how many licenses you carry. At least 3 of the 24 credits must be "ethics", but you can take more than 3 credits and they all count toward the 24. You can get 24 credits for just $35.99 plus AL state CE submission fees ($1/credit = $59.99 total). Fees are collected at time of purchase to avoid unnecessary delays and the inconvenience to you of paying again and again, every time you complete a class. At CEAlabama you're not buying classes, just credits. Like when you go to the carnival and buy a bunch of tickets-- some rides take 1 ticket, some 2 tickets, and so on. My classes vary from 1 credit to 24 credits. You can take any class you want, any time you want-- no commitments. I subtract credits when you pass the test. Take classes until you run out of credits. Easy!

►Returning customers: check if you have any paid-up credits left to use. There's no expiration date on credits once you buy them! Buy now at a discount, use in the future. Looking for a receipt for a prior purchase? Click here.

Credits PriceAL CE Submission Fee* Total Cost

*AL CE Submission fee: $1/credit fee charged by the state to submit your credits. It is not your AL license renewal fee; that's a separate $70 you pay at The CE fee started a while back to cover the cost of the NIPR system. I pay this fee on your behalf, and I collect it at the time of purchase. My competitors don't talk much about this fee until after you pass your test, then make you pay the fee in order to have your credits submitted-- like a ransom. I think this is dishonest (since it makes their services look cheaper than mine, when they are not) and it puts your license at risk, especially if you are cutting it close to your expiration. At CEAlabama, what you pay is what it costs. No baloney.

Buy Credits Here image

Reminder: You're just buying credits, not classes. You can take any classes you want up to the number of credits you have purchased, anytime. Once purchased, credits can be used anytime in the future. No expiration. Need to pay by check? Click here.
Number of credits:
Your National Producer Number (NPN): image Please fill this in, or I won't know who bought your credits!
►Forgot your NPN? Look it up here.



Rush processing is submission of your credits within 24 hours or less for an additional $19.99. Fee does not cover the cost of credits, only the additional cost to submit within 24 hours. All the details here.



Forgot to fill out your post-test proctor affidavit? Here's a fresh copy to fill out...

All Classes offered are listed here. All classes are valid for any type of AL insurance license; no limitations based on your license type. Choose for yourself!

Are you looking for...    ETH    ►ethics classes?      ANN   ►annuity suitability classes? Look for these symbols in the first column below.

Look for these icons to...
image Access the Reading
image Access the Test
Credits, Access, Class Name,
Class Number, Credit Details
Class Description

24 image image

"PPACA Details and Ethics" Course #6000050125, 24 total credits,
3 ethics credits


Agent impacts of PPACA and assorted PPACA ("ObamaCare") details and Q&A from the DOL and IRS. Class reflects original PPACA implementation, not all the changes since: this is history class, not a reflection of current state. In addition, ethics is included so that this single course can fulfill you entire CE requirement!

24 image image

"P&C, Commercial, and Ethics Readings" Course #6000050057, 24 total credits,
5 ethics credits


An engaging assortment of articles that cover the gamut of the P&C world. In addition, ethics is included so that this single course can fulfill you entire CE requirement!

24 image image

"IRAs, Retirement Plans, and Ethics" Course #6000050124, 24 total credits, 5 ethics credits


The ins and outs of IRAs and employment-based retirement plans directly from the IRS. In addition, ethics is included so that this single course can fulfill you entire CE requirement!
Credits, Access, Class Name,
Class Number, Credit Details
Class Description

1 image image

"Insurance Fraud" Course #6000050089,
1 general credit
A quick look at insurance fraud in many of its present forms, as well as efforts to recognize, control and prosecute it.

1 image image

"Life Insurance History" Course #6000050071, 1 general credit
Hey Discovery Channel fans... this class takes you on a short journey though the early history of life insurance.

2 image image

"Annuities" Course #6000050132,
2 general credits
Covers the basics of annuities, with additional emphasis on variable annuities. History of annuities also covered. Does NOT fulfill AL Annuity Suitability Training Requirements

2 image image

"Principles of Insurance" Course #6000050112,
2 general credits
Back to basics--- Fundamentals of insurance in law and in practice. The function of insurance in society as well as risk and contract basics.

2 image image

"Life Settlements and Viaticals" Course #6000050083,
2 general credits
A look at these controversial products from two very different angles. You decide which is right! Does NOT fulfill any Life Settlement Training Requirements
Credits, Access, Class Name,
Class Number, Credit Details
Class Description

2 image image

"Insurance in the Developing World 2" Course #6000050130, 2 general credits
Lighter discussion of concepts in the 'Insurance in the Developing World 1' class. Life and health micro-insurance products are also discussed, and compared to community-based insurance-like activities that already take place in the developing world.

3 image image

"What is Ethics?" Course #6000050058,
3 ethics credits


Toolkit of tactics successful people use in wading through ethical dilemmas.

3 image image

"Health Insurance Scam Alert!" Course #6000050123,
3 general credits
Overview of current health insurance scams, and how to protect your clients from them.

5 image image

"Ethics in Insurance" Course #6000050148,
5 ethics credits


An engaging variety of readings that chronicle the role of ethics in the industry.
Credits, Access, Class Name,
Class Number, Credit Details
Class Description

5 image image

"Errors and Omissions (E&O) Insurance" Course #6000050090,
5 general credits
Overview of errors and omissions insurance--- and how to make sure you never have to make a claim on your personal policy!

6 image image

"Annuity Suitability Training" Course #6000050095,
6 Annuity Suitability credits


This class fulfills the Annuity Training requirement for agents who wish to sell annuities

6 image image

"Ethics" Course #6000050099, 6 ethics credits


Overview of ethics, including an overview of scholarly work on the subject.
Credits, Access, Class Name,
Class Number, Credit Details
Class Description

9 image image

"Auto Insurance" Course #6000050100, 9 general credits
Overview of auto insurance policies and provisions.

9 image image

"Home Insurance" Course #6000050088, 9 general credits
Overview of homeowners insurance policies and provisions.

10 image image

"Insurance in the Developing World 1" Course #6000050129, 10 general credits
Fascinating look at the impact that micro-insurance has on people in the developing world. A peek into America's past--- we were just like these people 200 years ago, what would a program like this have done for our ancestors?

12 image image

"Voluntary Benefits Overview" Course #6000050114, 12 general credits
A broad look at the types of voluntary insurance and non-insurance products that the industry offers. How employers implement these plans, and communicate them effectively is discussed, as well as what makes each type of plan popular. This is followed by a discussion of the "new" cafeteria plan guidelines.
Credits, Access, Class Name,
Class Number, Credit Details
Class Description

12 image image

"Topics in Insurance" Course #6000050115, 12 general credits
DI insurance, Group Insurance, Annuities, and an overview of the different types of businesses that we work with each day. Understanding the legal differences between types of companies can make you a better consultant and protects your clients.

12 image image

"Auto Insurance and Ethics" Course #6000050220, 12 total credits, 3 ethics credits


Overview of auto insurance policies and provisions, with 3 credits of ethics baked in. This is a great class for AL agents that qualify as "service representatives" and only require 12 credits every 2 years. One class and done! (Do not take this course if you take 9-credit course #6000050100. You can't get credit for both in the same CE period.)

12 image image

"Homeowners Insurance and Ethics" Course #6000050205, 12 total credits, 3 ethics credits


Overview of homeowners insurance policies and provisions, with 3 credits of ethics baked in. This is a great class for AL agents that qualify as "service representatives" and only require 12 credits every 2 years. One class and done! (Do not take this course if you take 9-credit course #6000050088. You can't get credit for both in the same CE period.)

12 image image

"Life Insurance and Ethics" Course #6000050219, 12 total credits, 3 ethics credits


Overview of life insurance policies and provisions, with 3 credits of ethics baked in. This is a great class for AL agents that qualify as "service representatives" and only require 12 credits every 2 years. One class and done! (Do not take this course if you take 12-credit course #6000050082. You can't get credit for both in the same CE period.)

12 image image

"Life Insurance Principles" Course #6000050082, 12 general credits
overview of Life Insurance principles and uses for both individuals and businesses. It covers the true meaning of Life Insurance in the real world, and finishes with a solid overview of Term Life Insurance.
Credits, Access, Class Name,
Class Number, Credit Details
Class Description

12 image image

"Medicare and Medicare Supplements" Course #6000050084, 12 general credits
A comprehensive overview of the Medicare program parts A,B,C, and D as well as Medigap insurance.

19 image image

"IRAs and Retirement Plans" Course #6000050204, 19 general credits
The ins and outs of IRAs and employment-based retirement plans directly from the IRS.

19 image image

"P&C and Commercial Readings" Course #6000050203, 19 general credits
A truly engaging assortment of articles that cover the gamut of the P&C and Commercial Insurance world.

21 image image

"PPACA Details" Course #6000050238, 21 general credits
Agent impacts of PPACA and assorted PPACA ("ObamaCare") details and Q&A from the DOL and IRS. Class reflects original PPACA implementation, not all the changes since: this is history class, not a reflection of current state.

Questions & Answers


Are you an authorized CE provider in Alabama?
Yes! My provider number is #500011721. My approval.
Is online self-study CE legal?
You bet! Has been for many years. It's available to all AL agents for all your credits.
Do you offer any classroom courses?
Not anymore. See next question for explanation.
Classroom courses have become very expensive? Why is this?
Due to the huge popularity of online CE, paired with agent license renewal being spread out over 24 months, it has become impossible to get enough people together to make a classroom course feasible from a cost standpoint. Some providers still try to make it work, but from what I'm seeing, at $250+ per 24 credits, classroom is no longer an option for the prudent agent.
My license renewal is coming fast. Can I finish in time?
Some students are able to review the course material and take the test very quickly. Even with just a few business days left in the month, I can get you in compliance. Call me if you have specific questions about your situation. I also offer RUSH processing.
My license has lapsed and I'd like to get it back. Can you help me?
Yes! If you have been lapsed for less than 1 year (365 days), go to to fill out the reinstatement application. You must make up your missed CE credits (if any) first, then you can fill out the online form and pay the state licensing fees. I can aid you in this process. Call me...
How do I contact you?
Contact info is here. Email works best. I return email and phone messages usually within 1 hour.
How does the 3-credit ethics requirement work? Do I need 24 or 27 total credits?
The AL requirement is 24 TOTAL hours. A minimum of 3 of those total hours must be in classes approved as "ethics". You can take all 24 hours of your classes in ethics. In the end, the total must be 24; and of the 24, at least 3 must be ethics.
How much does this cost?
Current prices are listed here.
Can I get a discount if I buy credits in "bulk"?
Yes! Click here to purchase 24+ credits at a greatly reduced price, and lock in your cost for several years of CE requirements!
Is my agency eligible for a discount?
Yes. Call me for more info at (608) 219-4985
I only need 4 credits, but I paid for 12. What happens to the rest of the credits I paid for?
Any left over credits paid for but not used can be used in the future. My system keeps track of the credits you use, and the credits you have left for future classes. You can lookup the number of credits you have left here.
Do I have to pick my classes when I enroll?
No. You are simply signing up for credits. You choose what classes to work on. I'll keep track of the credits.
Do I have to take classes that apply just to the license(s) I have? For instance, I have a health license; can I take (and get credit for) classes that apply to life or P&C?
You can take any CE class you wish. There is no limitation on subject or line of business. CE is CE!
Do you have AML (anti-money laundering) classes?
Sorry, I don't offer AML classes-- it's just too costly on my end. I recommend the FINRA site, since they're the experts.
Do you have NFIP (flood insurance) classes?
Sorry, I don't offer NFIP (Flood Insurance) classes-- it's just too costly on my end. I recommend the FEMA NFIP site, since they're the experts.
Do you have CFP-approved classes?
Sorry, I don't offer CFP-approved classes-- it's just too costly on my end. However, many agents have used this process to get their CE classes approved for CFP credits.
Can I pay by check?
Yes. Click here for details.
How long do I have to complete the classes from when I sign up for credits?
There is no expiration on when you can use those credits to take a class.
Can I print the self-study CE course material and read it offline?
Yes. All self-study class material is in the ".pdf" format. These files are accessed with the popular "Adobe Acrobat Reader" software. It is installed in almost all computers, and is the standard format throughout the world for documents.
I can't open the files with the self-study CE class material. What am I doing wrong?
Class material files are in the popular "Adobe Acrobat Reader" or ".pdf" format. Most computers are already loaded with the software to view these files. You can download the software for free from Adobe here. Unfortunately, I can't provide remote computer diagnostics, so I have provided the "FAQs" option for your convenience.
I have taken classes with names similar to yours before. Will I be repeating classes?
Each CE provider's courses are unique to that provider. Classes taken with one provider are not duplicates of similarly-titled classes taken with another.
Can my boss, spouse, or employee be my proctor?
No. Friends, neighbors, or fellow agents are fine, however.
Must my proctor be a licensed agent?
What if I fail the self-study CE test? Is there a waiting period before I can take it again?
While there are very few test failures, if you do fail, you can retake the test as many times as needed, at no additional cost. There is no waiting period. You can retake it right away!
Do I have to do anything after I receive notice that I passed my test, such as send that information to the state?
Nothing with your CE. Once you have your diploma, I will upload the credits to the state. Please confirm your credits here. You are responsible for renewing your license with the state at once your credits are banked and before your expiration date. Cost is about $70.
I can't find my credits updated online-- did you send them in?
You can lookup your submitted credits at SBS. After the screen where you enter your personal information, click 'license transcript' at the top of the next page. Pay close attention to how the report is set up. You have to click to see classes, they are hidden by default. And please note the expiration date on the report. If you have already renewed your license, you'll see that new expiration date AND MOST IMPORTANTLY you won't see your old classes, because you are in a new CE requirement period.
Do you have any deals for repeat students?
Yes! Contact me for the discount code. That code gets you a significant discount on your next 24 hours of CE.
When can I start my next 24 credits?
You may take tests for your next 24 credits as soon as the first day of the month after your license renews. For example, if your license expiration date is July 31st, you could start taking classes for your next 2-year period on August 1st.
Can I retake with the same classes I took last time around for my next 24 credits?
Yes. AL insurance rules allow this. Rules do not allow for repeating the same class from the same provider during the same 2-year renewal period.
When do you send credits to the state?
Credits are uploaded to the state after receipt of the electronic proctor form. Official upload dates each month are: the 5th, 10th, 15th, 20th, 25th, and each day on the last three days of the month.
How do I know that my credits are banked with the state?
Confirm your credits at here. Please keep in mind that tests taken in the last days of the month risk not being transferred to NIPR so that you can renew your license in time. This is a limitation of the state's system, not mine. I cannot guarantee this transfer in the final days of the month.

Alabama CE Rules

AL CE Rules


Continuing Education Frequently Asked Questions

Q: How many hours do I need to renew my license?
A: 24 hours (of which 3 should be ethics) per reporting period for producers and 12 hours (of which 2 should be ethics) per reporting period for service representatives or producers who are employed by another producer or insurer to work only in the office of the employer and who are not licensed as a non-resident in any other state.

Q: Do I need to complete the CE requirements if I am a non-resident?
A: A non-resident who has satisfied his/her home state's continuing education requirement is exempt.

Q: Do I need to complete CE to renew my license if I am an "inactive producer"?
A: A producer or service representative is required to comply with CE and biennial license renewal.

Q: Does my company renew my license?
A: No. Companies renew appointments each year by Dec. 31. Biennial license renewal is the producer's responsibility.

Q: Must licensees take courses related to the lines of insurance they hold?
A: No. You may take any approved course without regard to the type of license you hold.

Q: Can I count the prelicensing course I recently took for my CE requirements?
A: No. This course is not approved for CE credits, only prelicensing.

Q: Can extra credits earned from the previous year count for this year's renewal requirements?
A: No, beginning January 1, 2013, excess credit hours earned in the previous biennial renewal period cannot be carried over to the next reporting period. Any excess is lost.

Q: Can credits earned while taking courses to obtain a professional designation be used for the annual CE requirements?
A: Yes, only (if) the provider and courses have been approved by the Alabama Department of Insurance.

Q: Do I need to send my certificates of completion to the Alabama Department of Insurance?
A: No, when you renew online, there is no need to send certificates to the department; however, always keep your certificates on file. Yes, if you are unable to renew online due to a CE discrepancy or upon a CE audit request, you may have to send certificates for verification.

Q: Can the person who teaches the course receive CE credits?
A: Yes, instructors will receive the same number of credits as the individuals who take the course.

Q: Can I go to the website to look up how many CE credits I have?
A: Yes, Click Here.

Q: How can I find out how many continuing education hours I have?
A: It is your responsibility to keep up with your credit hours, but if there is a discrepancy, you may call our office for assistance.

Q: Do I have to take 12 hours for my life license and 12 hours for my property license?
A: No, you only have to submit the appropriate hours for your license no matter how many lines of authority you are licensed for. However, 3 hours of the 24 or 2 hours of the 12 must be in ethics.

Q: Can I take online CE courses?
A: Yes, if the provider and course is approved in Alabama. You may search our website for approved providers and courses.

Q: Can I take the same CE course two years in a row and receive credit?
A: No. You cannot receive credit for any course more than once in any reporting period.

Q: If I hold a CE exemption, do I still have to take the long term care one-time 8 hour LTC CE course and the 4 hour LTC CE course for renewals?
A: Yes, as the Federal law does not allow for exemptions. Any producer licensed who continues to sell LTC must complete required CE. As of March 1, 2009 any new or existing producer who has not complied with the 8 hour one time training will need to take the LTC course before selling LTC. Be sure the course is approved for LTC credit and not just entitled long term care and approved for general credit.

Q: Are there any exemptions to the CE requirements?
A: Yes, the exemptions are:

  • Non-residents of reciprocal states who have met the home state's CE requirements.
  • Any producer whose license is limited to acting only as a producer for credit insurance, rental vehicle insurance, crop, portable electronic, travel, motor club, dental services, and legal services, or any combination thereof.
  • Newly licensed producers, service representatives, adjusters or title insurance agents licensed within 12 months of the renewal date.

NOTE: Any individual exempt from the edcuational requirements of Ala. Code 27-8A-1 immediately prior to January 1, 2013, so long as the individual remains exempt according to the law at that time, unless the license is permitted to expire or is otherwise terminated and remains out of effect for a period of 12 consecutive months, in which case the exemption is no longer applicable.

License Renewal, Reinstatement, Grandfathered CE Exemptions

Individual Producer licenses are renewed in the Producer’s birth month biennially based on the producer’s birth year. Effective 1-1-19, the license may be renewed as early as 90 days before the end of the licensee’s birth month, and within a grace period of 30 days after the last day of their birth month with a late fee of $50 added to the regular renewal fee. If not renewed before the end of the grace period, the license will be expired.

Upon expiration of your license, you are eligible to reinstate your license for a period of more than 30 days after expiration to 12 months from the last day of your birth month without the necessity of completing the prelicensing course or passing a written examination by paying twice the renewal fee and for residents by also completing required CE. However, you must complete the Reissue Process through NIPR, by beginning on our website ( home page under Producers/Agents, the Renew Your License link and then click on the license type, then Renew Your License Residents.

In order to complete your license renewal, you will have to have met your Continuing Education requirements prior to the time that you complete the online renewal process. To ensure that all your Continuing Education credits have been reported to the Alabama Department of Insurance, please view your Continuing Education records (click here to view CE records).

Effective 1-1-19, no more CE Extensions are being allowed and CE must be showing in the CE transcript for the producer to be able to renew the license. Please note that it generally can take 3-5 days after compliance for the CE information to be updated in the NIPR database so that you are able to renew.

Current CE Exemptions:

  • Any producer whose license is limited to acting only as a producer for credit insurance, rental vehicle insurance, crop, portable electronic, travel, motor club, dental services, and legal services, or any combination thereof.
  • Any nonresident producer or service representative who must complete the continuing education requirements in his or her state of residence. The home state's requirements may be used to meet this state's continuing education requirements if that state recognizes reciprocity with Alabama's continuing education requirements. A non-resident whose home state does not have a continuing education requirement or whose home state does not recognize reciprocity with Alabama's continuing education requirements, must meet the continuing education requirements of this state.
  • Newly licensed producers and service representatives for 12 months following the effective date of their license.


Please note as of January 1, 2013 Grandfathered CE Exemptions allowed are:

Any individual exempt from the educational requirements of Ala. Code § 27-8A-1 immediately prior to January 1, 2013, so long as the individual remains exempt according to the law at that time, unless the license is permitted to expire or is otherwise terminated and remains out of effect for a period of 12 consecutive months, in which case the exemption is no longer applicable. To maintain an exemption from continuing education requirements, the individual must submit a statement and dated evidence that the exemption claimed applied prior to January 1, 2013, and continues in effect at the time of license renewal. Any change in the claimed exemption, such as loss of certification or position shall result in loss of the claimed exemption for subsequent renewal periods. Individuals may claim an exemption if any of the following apply subject to the terms outlined above:

  1. Any person licensed only for limited lines insurance, industrial fire, commonly known as debit fire, insurance, or any combination thereof prior to January 1, 2013.
  2. All producers and service representatives licensed in this state for 15 years and at least 60 years of age or older prior to January 1, 2013.
  3. Any person who holds a designation as a Chartered Property and Casualty Underwriter, Certified Insurance Counselor, Chartered Life Underwriter, Chartered Financial Consultant, Certified Financial Planner certificant, Registered Health Underwriter, Registered Employee Benefits Consultant, Certified Health Consultant, or Associate Risk Manager prior to January 1, 2013.
  4. Officers of insurers who are not engaged in the active sale of products prior to January 1, 2013.
  5. Persons who are active members of the Alabama legislature during any portion of the biennial reporting period prior to January 1, 2013.

Following renewal of your license, you will be able to print one free copy of your license. Please allow processing time of at least 24 hours prior to printing your license.

Account Services

►Check how many paid-up credits you have left
►See your recent class history or print a diploma
►Get a copy of recent receipts of payment
 Current customers, enter your information below 
NPN Number:
First and Last Name:

Contact Me

Bill Murray, approved Alabama Continuing Education Provider #500011721
Phone/Text: 608.219.4985 (fastest response is usually by text)
My State Certification here, if you're worried...